The Motorola Q owners, do you like your phone?
Question by Mr. 3.14™: The Motorola Q owners, do you like your phone?
Ok, I am getting a new phone as soon as my contract to T-moblile expires, and I am getting the Q, because it is… Continue reading
Q&A: If your subdivision Promise a jr. olypimic pool and only has a small pool should lower home owner’s fees?
Question by me4 President: If your subdivision Promise a jr. olypimic pool and only has a small pool should lower home owner’s fees?
I live in a subdivision where the homeowners fees are $ 300 per year,… Continue reading
Teeny Foods owners to speak at Business Development Fair
Teeny Foods owners to speak at Business Development Fair
The Small Business Development Center at Mt. Hood Community College and the city of Gresham will host the fourth annual Business Development Fair in East County from 8:30 a.m. to 1… Continue reading
Would publishing a textbook with 30 seconds of song lyrics and music infringe the copyright owner’s rights?
Question by Coco: Would publishing a textbook with 30 seconds of song lyrics and music infringe the copyright owner’s rights?
Or would it be fair use? I plan to publish a book for English language learners.… Continue reading
Why do Tea Party Business owners give service contracts to subcontractors that use illegals?
Question by Old School ♥♦MC♣♠™: Why do Tea Party Business owners give service contracts to subcontractors that use illegals?
Best answer:
Answer by Mo Obama Money
They don’t
However ACORN uses illegals to try to register illegal… Continue reading