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Lifestyle of an orchestra Member ?

Question by La Bella Senorita: Lifestyle of an orchestra Member ?
Lifestyle of an orchestra member ?
Can anyone describe to me life as a professional violinist in a Philharmonic Orchestra , in as much detail as… Continue reading

Earth Song Michael Jackson Mandolin Orchestra Zupforchester Cover

Earth Song – Michael Jackson (1958-2009) arranged for Mandolin Orchestra by Valdo Preema, www.edition49.de played by Mandolin Orchestra Ettlingen, www.mandolinenorchester-ettlingen.de , conducted by Prof. Boris Björn Bagger, http – special guest Detlef Tewes, Mandolin solo, www.detlef-tewes.de Produced by edition 49,… Continue reading

Lifestyle of an orchestra member ?

Question by La Bella Senorita: Lifestyle of an orchestra member ?
Lifestyle of an orchestra member ?
Can anyone describe to me life as a professional violinist in a Philharmonic Orchestra , in as much detail as… Continue reading

Co-Principal Met Orchestra Mark Gould’s Trumpet Lesson

mucony.com Classical andjazz music lessons. Private instruction by the world’s finest musicians. Faculty from the Juilliard School, the New York Philharmonic, the Metropolitan Opera, etc. All the solo instruments, ensembles and jam sessions. Also free information on music jobs, music… Continue reading

St. Paul Chamber Orchestra balances budget for 7th straight year

St. Paul Chamber Orchestra balances budget for 7th straight year
The St. Paul Chamber Orchestra has balanced its budget for the 7th consecutive year.
Read more on Minnesota Public Radio

US-LIFE Summary
Elton John edits UK newspaper for World AIDS… Continue reading