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PRINCETON: Students discovering options to classrooms

PRINCETON: Students discovering options to classrooms
Don’t like school? You’ve got options.
Read more on The Princeton Packet

Vote on School Roof Project is Tuesday
East Aurora School District residents will vote Tues., Jan. 25 on whether to approve a… Continue reading

I need help for a story plot. What is a posed question where the options are all life-changing?

Question by Nicole B: I need help for a story plot. What is a posed question where the options are all life-changing?
Need ideas for a story!

I need a plot idea that starts out with a question that… Continue reading

What are my options for putting music on an Xbox 360 with a mac?

Question by scooterbaga: What are my options for putting music on an Xbox 360 with a mac?
With my original xbox, I settled for burning CD-RWs and importing them one at a time. Please tell me there’s a better… Continue reading

Is an e-reader on your gift list?: Here’s look at best options.

Is an e-reader on your gift list?: Here’s look at best options.
NEW YORK – This holiday season, it will be hard to enter a store without setting eyes on a tablet computer or an e-reader.
Read more on South… Continue reading

What is the difference between a Land Contract and a Lease Options agreement?

Question by Jron: What is the difference between a Land Contract and a Lease Options agreement?
My cousin is a Real Estate Investor and he is trying to help a family sell there home. They told him that they… Continue reading