Can two companies have the same name?
Question by : Can two companies have the same name?
for example
if there was a “quick music” that focused on music publishing
and a “quick music” that was more to do with promoting and event organising
but… Continue reading
I would like to change my name for personal & business reasons.?
Question by Sibling Records: I would like to change my name for personal & business reasons.?
Hi, I would like to inquire information on a name change I’m 22 years old and I’d like to change… Continue reading
Q&A: How can i get my company name registered?
Question by 8izzy C: How can i get my company name registered?
Im starting my own music production company an i need to register my company name before i do anything
Best answer:
Answer by King Of New Jersey(Go… Continue reading
Bon Jovi – U give love a bad name (lyrics)
Lyrics An angels smile is what you sell You promise me heaven, then put me through hell Chains of love got a hold on me When passions a prison, you cant break free Youre a loaded gun Theres nowhere to… Continue reading
Help name my not for profit?
Question by suppered: Help name my not for profit?
I am in the process of forming a not for profit organization that teaches music instruction to young men ages 18-26, who have recently been released from a new York… Continue reading