What should i name my 3g music player invention?
Question by flytzgymnast320: What should i name my 3g music player invention?
I plan on creating something cool and im writing a business plan for it.
ideas for names
it involves:
3g network
a website(like… Continue reading
Please judge! Very important music contract.iF u jugde i will add your name 2 my album for someone that helped?
Question by Angel: Please judge! Very important music contract.iF u jugde i will add your name 2 my album for someone that helped?
Im all alone in the middle of the night.
Im looking at… Continue reading
whats the name of this song? it was on billy madison?
Question by steven: whats the name of this song? it was on billy madison?
when he first started high school
it goes dun, dun, dun, dun
and i know it says everybody at the first of it… Continue reading
Games Change Name to Ford & Lopatin, Start Mexican Summer Imprint Software
Games Change Name to Ford & Lopatin, Start Mexican Summer Imprint Software
A few new developments for electronic production duo Games . The pair comprised of Oneohtrix Point Never ‘s Daniel Lopatin and Tiger City’s Joel Ford are no longer… Continue reading
need a cool music producer name?!?
Question by greenetoo: need a cool music producer name?!?
My names james/jones, ive been producing for a while and want to become more legit to sell beats and promote myself. i like the whole idea of superhero or sidekick… Continue reading