Q&A: What’s the name of this old movie (80’s, 90’s) about two failing music video producers?
Question by Ted: What’s the name of this old movie (80’s, 90’s) about two failing music video producers?
Long time ago I watched a movie that I liked but I don’t remember the title. I hope someone… Continue reading
What is the name of the original rhythm guitarist in the fictional band Dethklok?
Question by doc2008: What is the name of the original rhythm guitarist in the fictional band Dethklok?
I was watching the show and saw this strange dude who is not in the band anymore. When he signed his name… Continue reading
10 More Songs Everyone Knows but can’t Name
Here’s another list of songs that most everyone can remember hearing at some point, even though the name of said song has probably faded into memory. I dunno, at some points I felt I was getting a little desperate to… Continue reading
In the name of the Blatant Promotion of fusion music
Question by theFingersmith: In the name of the Blatant Promotion of fusion music
Here are a few links to some of my websites:
http://www.advaitsarkar.com – official world fusion music website
http://advaitmusic.blogspot.com – blog
http://www.youtube.com/AdvaitSarkar – official youtube… Continue reading
Agood name for a band of all brothers?
Question by Skylarr!: Agood name for a band of all brothers?
My step dad owns the band ‘Eruption” And he is goig to give the title to us I am 12 and I have a twin and… Continue reading