Can I start a business and use my Middle Name as My Legal Business Name?
Question by Jron: Can I start a business and use my Middle Name as My Legal Business Name?
Im not trying to have a hidden identity or anything, but I hate it when people mispronounce my first name. Its… Continue reading
Can you get in trouble for using a business name before you register the DBA?
Question by Joe R: Can you get in trouble for using a business name before you register the DBA?
I recently (last August) signed a contract with a client for a web site. The contract was… Continue reading
What is the name of some good music production software?
Question by HippyRocker4Life: What is the name of some good music production software?
My hubby records music on a digital recorder. And I know that there is software that you can buy to give the music a better sound,… Continue reading
Q&A: Name of a rock music-based movie?
Question by peace: Name of a rock music-based movie?
I’ve watched this movie that had more than 6 parts & all of them dealt with music & black magic or ghosts. One part featured a guy who couldn’t play… Continue reading
Q&A: Any ideas to name a coffee/music lounge?
Question by Kaley says:: Any ideas to name a coffee/music lounge?
For my marketing class in school we are required to devlope a business along with a business plan. My business is a coffee shop that has an open… Continue reading