Im a musician, Do you think posting my music on myspace is the way to go if wanting to sell my songs?
Question by Music child: Im a musician, Do you think posting my music on myspace is the way to go if wanting to sell my songs?
I’m a professional musician exploring the music industry. I want to sell my… Continue reading
I’m a singer who can’t play an instrument – but I need help from a musician. Where can I find one?
Question by Kanna: I’m a singer who can’t play an instrument – but I need help from a musician. Where can I find one?
I’ve been singing since I was little. I’m very proficient at writing lyrics, as well;… Continue reading
How would knowing a foreign language be advantageous if you’re a musician or music producer?
Question by Holy Rollin’!: How would knowing a foreign language be advantageous if you’re a musician or music producer?
Because we’re doing a project in my class where we research a career and make a project about how knowing… Continue reading
Q&A: Isn’t Stevie Wonder the greatest musician of all time?
Question by oneyed: Isn’t Stevie Wonder the greatest musician of all time?
WAIT! Before you think, I have no scope, depth, understanding, or whatever. Consider the Southern blind boy with the incredible instrumentel hit, the unpresidented contract,… Continue reading
Q&A: What should i do in this situation? need help if your a musician or in the music business?
Question by Alex Matos: What should i do in this situation? need help if your a musician or in the music business?
alright i got an email from a guy named peter weintraub whose a founder and… Continue reading