Judges Tom Waits, Kings Of Leon, Peter Gabriel, Robert Smith (The Cure) And Many More Select The International …
Bomb the Music Industry!
Image by joevaasphoto
Judges Tom Waits, Kings Of Leon, Peter Gabriel, Robert Smith (The Cure) And Many More Select The International …
ISC Grand Prize Is Awarded To Australian Artist Kasey Chambers… Continue reading
More Independent Artists R doin’ it 4 themselves N Da muzik….?
Question by Now what?O_0…*sigh: More Independent Artists R doin’ it 4 themselves N Da muzik….?
word without Da Artist signing Da “Blood Contract”, would U still Buy Da song U liked,if it wasn’t CONTRACTED thru a record… Continue reading
Asian Americans and fiction. Should western fiction include more Asian cultures? Would Western cultures accept?
Question by Lauren: Asian Americans and fiction. Should western fiction include more Asian cultures? Would Western cultures accept?
This might sound like a silly question at first, but I’m being honest. I listen to music and watch shows that… Continue reading
Q&A: how do i get my band some more live performences?
Question by keyweststarr: how do i get my band some more live performences?
its a country band , and about to sign a contract in nashville , but would love to play in las vegas
they would love to… Continue reading
Q&A: Why are Jews so much smarter and more successfull than everyone else?
Question by fmminformation: Why are Jews so much smarter and more successfull than everyone else?
Almost everything is created, run or controlled by jews. Film, Television, Music, Publishing, Retail, Law, Finance, Medicine, Science, etc etc is completely run by… Continue reading