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Gucci Mane Comes Home Wants to Be Role Model

(AllHipHop News) Earlier today at midnight, Gucci Mane (Radric Davis) was released from Atlantas Fulton County Jail after serving six months for parole violation. Gucci Mane walked out and was greeted first by friend Shawty Lo before thanking a group… Continue reading

www.amstel1.tv Elite model look 2010 finale & party in de Escape te Amsterdam deel 2

Bekijk de beelden van elite 2010 finals in de Amsterdam Escape HIER!!! Lucette van Beek (15) uit Kerkrade heeft de Elite Model Look gewonnen. Het model gaat Nederland vertegenwoordigen tijdens de internationale finale van de modellenwedstrijd in Shanghai. Met vier… Continue reading


Sample Computaion Inhouse Financing Arden House Model Inhouse financing Floor Area 60 Square Meters Lot Rea 50 Square Meters Selling price 960000.00 Add processing fee 43200.00 Total Contract Price 1003200.00 Less Loanable amount 768000.00 Required Down Payment 235200.00 Less Reservation… Continue reading

OPINION: The Elimination of the Major Label Model

OPINION: The Elimination of the Major Label Model
This comment was left by Ritch Esra, the Publisher of Music Business Registry, on the post 6 Reasons Why The Major Labels Are Still Screwed. The four major labels have a far… Continue reading

Cutting Edge Tries New Model for Film Music

Cutting Edge Tries New Model for Film Music
In an unconventional deal that may promise a revival in film music, the Cutting Edge Group, based in London, effectively bought the musical portion of “The King’s Speech.”
Read more on New… Continue reading