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Auditors will Meet Holland School Officials Behind Closed Doors

Auditors will Meet Holland School Officials Behind Closed Doors
Auditors from the New York State Comptroller’s Office will meet with Holland School Board members away from the public eye to discuss the early report of the district’s finances. A previously… Continue reading

Is it considered a breach of contract if I refuse to meet a demand that the buyer’s lender is requiring?

Question by d.adv0cate: Is it considered a breach of contract if I refuse to meet a demand that the buyer’s lender is requiring?
I was just informed that the buyer’s lender is requiring us to have… Continue reading

Home did not meet value, how can I get out of this town home purchase contract?

Question by Bill D: Home did not meet value, how can I get out of this town home purchase contract?
Entered into agreement to purchase townhome 12 months ago, home is finished but appraised for 40k… Continue reading

What is the best music management utility to meet all of these needs?

Question by Delandra: What is the best music management utility to meet all of these needs?
1. Identify duplicate files
2. Rename music to consistent file names
3. Download missing album art
4. Is freeware… Continue reading

Meet and greet, and hug and strip, and charge a fortune

Meet and greet, and hug and strip, and charge a fortune
They say you should never meet your heroes, as they will invariably disappoint you. Clearly there’s no joy in discovering that the icon of your youth is actually a… Continue reading