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I write songs and make beats. How do I become a music producer and sell my material?

Question by C O: I write songs and make beats. How do I become a music producer and sell my material?
I’ve been writing songs and making beats for years now but haven’t had an oppurtunity to sell them… Continue reading

Downloading Copyrighted Material in Ireland?

Question by Simon O: Downloading Copyrighted Material in Ireland?
Everyone knows about LimeWire and the Pirate Bay and all the other ways of getting copyrighted material off the internet.

My quesiton is is it actually illegal to… Continue reading

Where do you send your music to sell professionally? if they dont accept solitcit material?

Question by playasmooth2005: Where do you send your music to sell professionally? if they dont accept solitcit material?
so how do u get it heard and sell ur music?

Best answer:

Answer by sydney_sunday… Continue reading

Q&A: What are the SEC rules around public disclosure of material business contracts?

Question by rmckillen: What are the SEC rules around public disclosure of material business contracts?
What are the SEC rules around public disclosure of material business contracts?

Must companies file a summary of contracts and/or the actual contracts?

What… Continue reading

Is a music work for hire contract necessary when you go into a studio to record material?

Question by …Chikita…..: Is a music work for hire contract necessary when you go into a studio to record material?
Would you recommend me have the studio audio engineer, mixing engineer, and mastering engineer sign a work for hire… Continue reading