How do Glee get the rights to cover so many songs?
Question by Wild Society: How do Glee get the rights to cover so many songs?
I’m sure the artists that wrote the songs can reject it being used on the show (apparently RHCP have done this)
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Teena Marie – Too Many Colors (Tee’s Interlude)
RIP LADY T! Biography by Alex Henderson: No white artist has sung R&B more convincingly than Teena Marie, whose big, robust vocals are so black-sounding that when she was starting out, some listeners wondered if she was a light-skinned African-American.… Continue reading
How many millions of dollars will I be worth once I get my recording contract?
Question by : How many millions of dollars will I be worth once I get my recording contract?
im going to be a jazillionare!
Best answer:
Answer by Robert B
I don’t think you will get that far….
Know better?… Continue reading
How many years does it take to become a music producer?
Question by eoctavien: How many years does it take to become a music producer?
How long does it take to own your own production company, and how long does it take to finish college for it?
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Answer… Continue reading
How many music cassettes did the average person have in their collection during the 1980s?
Question by Andy: How many music cassettes did the average person have in their collection during the 1980s?
I am curious as to how many music cassettes a typical American had in their collection during the 1980s. I seem… Continue reading