Q&A: Why do you many martial artist hate tiger schulmanns mma just read what i had written below?
Question by Johnjayf: Why do you many martial artist hate tiger schulmanns mma just read what i had written below?
I been going to tsmma since i was 8 and and now 17 as a second degree i wonder… Continue reading
I’m curious and I’ve never seen any numbers on it–how many conservatives opposes gay marriage?
Question by tylertxanreborn: I’m curious and I’ve never seen any numbers on it–how many conservatives opposes gay marriage?
because they don’t want the government to redefine a term that has meant the union of a man… Continue reading
LeMarvin – Too Many Patrons ft. August
Music video by LeMarvin performing Too Many Patrons. (C) 2009 Brookland Media / Federal Distribution
Video Rating: 5 / 5

i workd for everything i own, dare a nigga try and take it take 300 on the frames just from… Continue reading
Q&A: how many songs do you have to write to make a demo?also any in the music business?
Question by Breeluvsjb: how many songs do you have to write to make a demo?also any in the music business?
ok so how many songs do you need to make a demo cd?i have like two songs written but… Continue reading