What major should I be taking?
Question by cazattack: What major should I be taking?
I’m nearly graduated University, and I kind of wanted to take a master degree. My University major right now is Animation Art, and some how I want to… Continue reading
Should I Sign to a Major Label who has afford me a deal?
Question by Monica N: Should I Sign to a Major Label who has afford me a deal?
A few days ago I was afford a 3 album deal over the course of 6… Continue reading
What was the purpose of major record labels creating and promoting teen idols in the popular music of the 50s ?
Question by judo89: What was the purpose of major record labels creating and promoting teen idols in the popular music of the 50s ?
What was the purpose of major record labels creating and promoting teen idols… Continue reading
Need help finding a school that offers a music business major any ideas?
Question by Gian Kaupolis: Need help finding a school that offers a music business major any ideas?
I’ve looked for a long time need some help for universities that offer great music business courses and a major
Best answer:… Continue reading
what do i have to do as a very good rap artist to get a contract from a major music label?
Question by gangsta: what do i have to do as a very good rap artist to get a contract from a major music label?
i make very professional stage apperances i am a very good recording… Continue reading