Thurston Moore Talks First Record, Major labels, and Record Stores

Thurston Moore waxes about Iron Butterfly, Louie Louie, and the luddites at Major labels… BUY “I NEED THAT RECORD!”: or RENT on Netflix and Youtube Rentals!
Video Rating: 5 / 5
You think the major record labels industry will die out?
Question by You Too: You think the major record labels industry will die out?
Or do you think that they’re change with the times? I mean now more than ever there’s a platform for new and current artist to… Continue reading
Q&A: If I want to go into music management, what would I major in in college?
Question by Elle Schiff: If I want to go into music management, what would I major in in college?
So I want to go into music, but the business/ management side of it.. so how would I start out?… Continue reading
Has anyone attended Tisch School which is part of NYU? I want to major in music business.?
Question by cutiesarah0909: Has anyone attended Tisch School which is part of NYU? I want to major in music business.?
Or if you attended any other music business schools in NYC. I’m in high school and need to know!!… Continue reading
What are the best colleges to attend if you want to major is music management and merchandising, and business?
Question by Jay J: What are the best colleges to attend if you want to major is music management and merchandising, and business?
I’m a high school senior and I have yet to find a quality college… Continue reading