Q&A: Why do many people say that major record labels influence a band’s music/take away their artistic freedom?
Question by heartachoke: Why do many people say that major record labels influence a band’s music/take away their artistic freedom?
Many people say that a band/musician is selling out if they are signed by a major record… Continue reading
What college in New York City offers music production as a major?
Question by Jonresan: What college in New York City offers music production as a major?
I am looking for a college in New York City that offers me a major in music production. please help.… Continue reading
Are there public kiosks that serve as digital filling stations for downloading major label music to devices?
by Wallabee
Question by stevevsi123: Are there public kiosks that serve as digital filling stations for downloading major label music to devices?
Are there kiosks capable of downloading content encrypted with digital rights management (DRM) software.
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how might one be able to get a job or internship working with major music video companies/directors?
Question by The Difference: how might one be able to get a job or internship working with major music video companies/directors?
I’m a freelance fashion designer, practically unemployed, just moved to ny and I want to perhaps work as… Continue reading
Q&A: What would I major in if I want to become a music producer?
by Chris Devers
Question by Hannah J: What would I major in if I want to become a music producer?
I want to be a music producer but i’m not sure what im supposed to go into.
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