I have made some really good rap songs, where would i go and audition to get a music contract, connenticut?
Question by rapartistthatneedsjob: I have made some really good rap songs, where would i go and audition to get a music contract, connenticut?
or just to know how to get my songs out there to sell or atleast something,… Continue reading
Recording Contracts Made Easier
Did you know you can create your own recording contracts, and you don’t need the assistance of a professional such as a lawyer. by: Ty Cohen For more free information on this subject visit MusicContracts101.com
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Q&A: Is it true that Madonna made it `big` through sex?
Question by ElliasH: Is it true that Madonna made it `big` through sex?
Someone told me that Madonna made it `big` because she used 2 sleep with the big music producers, and got contracts from them. Is this true?… Continue reading
Q&A: Have you made money selling your music?
by lwnski
Question by Virg: Have you made money selling your music?
I have some music that I think would sell, or I could sell to an MC to use, and was wondering if there are any reputable sites… Continue reading
Top 10 Mistakes Made by Entrepreneurs
Part of 2010 Conference on Entrepreneurship. What things typically trip up an entrepreneur in starting and running a company? Is it getting the right business partner? Is it having the killer technology? How does one recover from major setbacks? A… Continue reading