How Long is joss whedons current contract to write astonishing x-men at present?
Question by qwertplaywert: How Long is joss whedons current contract to write astonishing x-men at present?
how many issues does he have on his contract left.
also,same for the artist[john cassidy]
Best answer:
Answer by geejtopia
both ’till issue… Continue reading
Why do record companies release MP3s so long before CDs and Music Video’s?
Question by Calum: Why do record companies release MP3s so long before CDs and Music Video’s?
I was just wondering record companies release a song on iTunes and other MP3 download places, only for the… Continue reading
Bruce Montgomery, Technology Access Television, The Long Term Plan

The Talk: Unveiling the Long Term Plan In the city that works, our dreams want purpose. The Chicago Schools, whether they be of economics or architecture or advertising, share a grounded, functional core. The Chicago belief that a dream without… Continue reading
How long does iTunes take to accept or deny entries to their Music Store?
Question by Roots Radical: How long does iTunes take to accept or deny entries to their Music Store?
I recently uploaded an album and signed my band up for iTunes distribution at and we’d like… Continue reading