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Myles Davis of Highland on Dean’s List at Berklee College

Myles Davis of Highland on Dean’s List at Berklee College
Berklee College of Music announces that Myles Davis of Highland has earned placement on the Dean’s List for the fall semester of the 2010 academic year.
Read more on Highland… Continue reading

BMI Releases Their Annual List of the Top 10 Overall Sports Anthems

BMI Releases Their Annual List of the Top 10 Overall Sports Anthems
Anthony Feole Queen’s hit, “We Will Rock You,” is the most-played song at NFL games, but fans of other major league sports cheer to different tunes. While hockey… Continue reading

The Hit List – David Cook & David Archuleta

David Cook & David Archuletas fight to win the first place of American idol ended up with Cook on the upper hand. In this review we get to check out some of the music business persona taking their vote for… Continue reading

Americans: Do you like British artists and their music? please read the list inside :)?

Question by Tas: Americans: Do you like British artists and their music? please read the list inside :)?
Recently a lot of British artists have tried to change themselves a bit and try to get known in America.
The… Continue reading

Can anyone send me a list of Corporate companies that may want to affiliate with a major online music websi?

Question by Cian: Can anyone send me a list of Corporate companies that may want to affiliate with a major online music websi?
Can anyone send me a list of Corporate companies who may want to addvertise, affiliate with… Continue reading