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LimeWire - 2/4 - Music Legal Contracts

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Record Companies Sue LimeWire For $75 Trillion

Record Companies Sue LimeWire For Trillion
LimeWire was a P2P (peer-to-peer) file sharing network in which users shared music and video files. One would hope that the files they shared were obtained legally.… [ Read more ] [ Subscribe to… Continue reading

RIAA Thinks LimeWire Owes $75 Trillion in Damages

RIAA Thinks LimeWire Owes Trillion in Damages
The music industry argues the file-sharing site LimeWire should pay for copyright infringement for 11,000 songs, and even the judge thinks the labels are insane.
Read more on PC World

This summer brings… Continue reading

Q&A: Having trouble with Limewire? Stuck behind a firewall no matter what I do. Found a solution: Frostwire.?

Question by andywho2006: Having trouble with Limewire? Stuck behind a firewall no matter what I do. Found a solution: Frostwire.?
I tried everything from reinstalls to manual ports through the firewall. Went to wikipedia to find an… Continue reading

Did anybody hear the record companies are sueing for downloading music off limewire?

Question by JD2010: Did anybody hear the record companies are sueing for downloading music off limewire?
If your downloading free music then you might get sued for up to 750$ a song.Anybody know how… Continue reading

Limewire… Is it illegal if you DON’T share any of your music and don’t sell anything you download?

Question by Ashley P: Limewire… Is it illegal if you DON’T share any of your music and don’t sell anything you download?
I don’t share any of my music. I have tons of CDs and stuff on iTunes and… Continue reading