Is a verbal agreement a legal binding contract in california?
by Ivan Walsh
Question by Mark Cerda: Is a verbal agreement a legal binding contract in california?
I loaned a friend $ 500 and he was sopposed to give me the title to his his car for collateral, wich… Continue reading
whats the legal use of sheet music?
Question by mark: whats the legal use of sheet music?
I want to use sheet music which i’ve found for a song recorded in 2003, i want to use the sheet music and create my own midi which i… Continue reading
Selling music and beats made on your computer, is it legal ?
by e.r.w.i.n.
Question by dorexx: Selling music and beats made on your computer, is it legal ?
Is it legal to sell music made by yourself on the computer, using softwares like FL Studio or others ?
What are… Continue reading
Q&A: Is copy and pasting from a legal template plagiarism?
Question by Kathryn: Is copy and pasting from a legal template plagiarism?
I’m a contract for a law class. My group mates pretty much just copy and pasted the example we were given, but that… Continue reading
On Myspace Music, is it legal to sing your own version of a already published song but not sell it?
Question by SimplyPerfect: On Myspace Music, is it legal to sing your own version of a already published song but not sell it?
I have Myspace music and i’m not much of a song writer and i was wondering… Continue reading