What Should be in a Good Lease Purchase contract
Claude Diamond www.TheLeasePurchase.com discusses what should be in a good lease purchase agreement inorder to do the deal not scare the Prospect-buyer-seller-investor. Doing deals is about negotiation-marketability and getting the agreement signed quickly without complications and lawyers.
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Does anyone know where to find a sample lease or contract for wallscape advertising?
Question by lee: Does anyone know where to find a sample lease or contract for wallscape advertising?
I have a property that has one side of wall facing highway. Just wondering if anyone have a sample lease/contract that I… Continue reading
How to break a lease contract that has no clause for breakage?
Question by smeshie123: How to break a lease contract that has no clause for breakage?
I signed a lease contract for a property and now I may need to break that lease. I was unaware that a… Continue reading
Q&A: buy on lease option or land contract…which is better (safer) from buyer’s point of view?
Question by jesswzmn: buy on lease option or land contract…which is better (safer) from buyer’s point of view?
For example, if its problematic or potentially problematic that land contracts can trigger due on sale reaction from… Continue reading