Where can I find free templates for land contracts and lease purchase agreements?
Question by rowet@prodigy.net: Where can I find free templates for land contracts and lease purchase agreements?
I am obtaining a home and I would like to make an educated decision.
Best answer:
Answer by Edward
I… Continue reading
Can I be sued for ending a lease agreement without forming any contract?
Question by Daivd C: Can I be sued for ending a lease agreement without forming any contract?
I paid for the first month without signing any contract, but my landlords are telling me I have formed a verbal contract.… Continue reading
Q&A: Is it possible to do lease break?
Question by ayu0000: Is it possible to do lease break?
Currently, Im living an apartment style of sharing house. The house (apartment) has 3 floors + a basement. Each floors have 2 or 3 rooms and a… Continue reading
how do I make a contract for a horse lease & hold harmless agreement?
Question by Jill: how do I make a contract for a horse lease & hold harmless agreement?
I need to make a contract for half lease on my horses & also a hold harmless agreement for other people that… Continue reading