Would anyone like to learn to sell on eBay for free? + Advanced Tips?
Question by Phillip: Would anyone like to learn to sell on eBay for free? + Advanced Tips?
I am going to sell a course online teaching my methods for making an extra $ 2,000 per month… Continue reading
What are some good colleges for someone wanting to learn the business part of music?
Question by Rivers: What are some good colleges for someone wanting to learn the business part of music?
I had my mind set on Full Sail because I live in Florida. I am considering other alternatives because this school… Continue reading
Studio Recording in Nashville : Learn About Some Common Pitfalls When Recording in Nashville
Learn what can go wrong when recording an album in Nashville in thisfree video series that will ensure that you will have a good experience recording your music in a Nashville studio. Expert: Chris Latham Bio: Chris Latham has been… Continue reading
Why Musicians Should Learn About the Business of Music
In this www.artistshousemusic.org video interview, Don Gorder, chair and founder of the Music Business Department at Berklee College of Music, discusses why musicians need to understand how the music business works in order to get the most out of their… Continue reading