Episode 6 Laura Kuy Bouquets

Laura Kuy has had a passion for flowers from a very early age, and has always taken every opportunity to learn about the subject, both practically and academically. Having left school, Laura then graduated from the much acclaimed Capel Manor… Continue reading
X factor- Has Laura White recieved a recording contract?!?
Question by Narnia F: X factor- Has Laura White recieved a recording contract?!?
because i saw a song of hers titled “sunshine” on you tube?!? does she have a recording contract with someone?!?!
Best answer:
Answer… Continue reading
Completely by Ana Laura
Completely by Ana Laura from her debut CD Ana Laura. Provident Music Distribution 2006.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Musikvideon till Robin Bengtsson’s 1a singel – “Another lover’s gone” ifrån det kommande albumet. Regi & Produktion: Cinemavision – www.cinemavision.se Utgivning… Continue reading
Dr. Laura to Talk ‘Racism, Bigotry and Hate’ on Satellite Show
Dr. Laura to Talk ‘Racism, Bigotry and Hate’ on Satellite Show
*Dr. Laura Schlessinger, whose move from terrestrial to satellite radio was prompted by her infamous on-air N-word rant, told The Hollywood Reporter on Monday that one of the first… Continue reading