Kelefa Sanneh: Jay-Z’s “Decoded” and the language of hip-hop.
Kelefa Sanneh: Jay-Z’s “Decoded” and the language of hip-hop.
Last year, an English professor named Adam Bradley issued a manifesto to his fellow-scholars. He urged them to expand the poetic canon, and possibly enlarge poetry’s audience, by embracing, or coöpting,… Continue reading
Q&A: What 3rd language would you suggest for a person going into Music Business in college?
Question by Mike S: What 3rd language would you suggest for a person going into Music Business in college?
Im looking at going into music business in college. I’m currently taking spanish at my high school. They… Continue reading
How to make a contract drafted in foreign language to be valid in California?
Question by Marcelo Y: How to make a contract drafted in foreign language to be valid in California?
Let’s say one of the parties does not speak or read English, so a contract is drafted in Spanish… Continue reading