Lady gaga’s image (the oversexuality, the fashion) is just her plot to gain fame. See video ex-producer…?
Question by : Lady gaga’s image (the oversexuality, the fashion) is just her plot to gain fame. See video ex-producer…?
Rob Fusari is suing Lady Gaga for $ 30 million by claiming he crafted her image—that look was… Continue reading
Rob Fusari will win in his lawsuit of $30 million dollars against Lady Gaga, who’s image he crafted (video)?
Question by : Rob Fusari will win in his lawsuit of million dollars against Lady Gaga, who’s image he crafted (video)?
Rob Fusari is suing Lady Gaga for $ 30 million by claiming he crafted her image—that look… Continue reading
How are people able to publish copyrighted music onto youtube like Lady Gaga Telephone?
Question by Michelle: How are people able to publish copyrighted music onto youtube like Lady Gaga Telephone?
It seems when I try to publish a copywritten song it gets a third party match and I can’t… Continue reading
NCAA Women’s Tournament Capsules: A&M focused on matchup with Lady Bulldogs
NCAA Women’s Tournament Capsules: A&M focused on matchup with Lady Bulldogs
COLLEGE STATION (AP) — Texas A&M coach Gary Blair settled in behind the podium and began fiddling with his smartphone. Soon the smooth voice of Ray Charles was wafting… Continue reading
Jazz Legend Adelaide Hall sings Sophisticated Lady

The magnificent Adelaide Hall (at the age of 85) sings ‘Sophisticated Lady’ on the Terry Wogan show in 1987. “Sophisticated Lady” is a jazz standard, composed as an instrumental in 1932 by Duke Ellington and Irving Mills, to which words… Continue reading