Question about indie labels for music?
Question by bpeter3196: Question about indie labels for music?
I’ve always been curious and since one of my favorite bands is on an indie label i have to ask as stupid as it what are the benefits… Continue reading
Q&A: Why do many people say that major record labels influence a band’s music/take away their artistic freedom?
Question by heartachoke: Why do many people say that major record labels influence a band’s music/take away their artistic freedom?
Many people say that a band/musician is selling out if they are signed by a major record… Continue reading
Anyone know of any record labels looking to sign country singers that i can send a CD to?
Question by Emily: Anyone know of any record labels looking to sign country singers that i can send a CD to?
Im looking for a record label to sign me. I sing country/pop style quite like taylor swift and… Continue reading
What are the big record labels in Toronto?
Question by Cat-like-reactions: What are the big record labels in Toronto?
what are the ‘major’ or just well known record labels in Toronto called?
except from sony bmg.
Best answer:
Answer by Read My Lips
sony bmg is probably… Continue reading
Where can I get information on record labels?
Question by Blue: Where can I get information on record labels?
Where can I get information to help musicians and singers decide if wither or not they need a record label, or if they should go their… Continue reading