Francis Rimbert – French Kiss

….Francis Rimbert (born October 3 1952 in Val d’Oise, France) is a French musician and composer. Biography Francis Rimbert started playing classical piano when he was 5 years old. At the conservatory, he studied harmony, counterpoint, the fugue and orchestral… Continue reading
KISS 95.7’s Jon McLaughlin – Industry Performance
Island Records artist, Jon McLaughlin performs Industry live at the KISS 95.7 studios in Hartford, CT.
Chuck D Says Public Enemy Doesn’t ‘Kiss A–,’ Talks New LP
Chuck D Says Public Enemy Doesn’t ‘Kiss A–,’ Talks New LP
Filed under: Hip-Hop , Hip-Hop News , Exclusive Retna When Chuck D talks, people listen. The outspoken leader of the legendary hip-hop group Public Enemy is not much for… Continue reading
Kiss – God Of Thunder
Unofficial Video from “Kiss Symphony: Alive IV” The 2003 live album from Kiss performing with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra (MSO). The arrangements were made by David Campbell, who also conducted the MSO. It is the group’s fourth album in the… Continue reading
Real KISS fans Please Step up!?
Question by Dick Fitzwell(Anti CockBlockers): Real KISS fans Please Step up!?
No offense to the guy who posted the earlier questions about KISS. Lets ask some real Questions.
1. What memeber, played on stage, recorded in studio, and made… Continue reading