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Q&A: Selling music online for kids?

Question by OneBrilliantMan: Selling music online for kids?
My brother is a good children’s songwriter. He plays good music and sings. He also is an artist. How could he market his craft to the children’s music… Continue reading

Q&A: How do I contact Forever the Sickest Kids Booking Agent?

band contract
by wallyg

Question by dreambiggg1230: How do I contact Forever the Sickest Kids Booking Agent?
I am looking for a way to contact the booking agent for the band Forever the Sickest Kids. I am trying to book them… Continue reading

what happens when kids drink too much caffeine

The Cohen kids playing The Michael Jackson Experience on Wii

Jose Antonio Abreu: Let’s bring music to kids worldwide (TED Prize winner!)

www.ted.com Jose Antonio Abreu is the charismatic founder of a youth orchestra system that has transformed thousands of kids’ lives in Venezuela. Here he shares his amazing story and unveils a TED Prize wish that could have a big impact… Continue reading

Labi Siffre – I don’t know what happened to the kids today

I dont know whats happened to the kids today – labi siffre, From his self titled album in 1970 Misfits Episode 6 Season 2 ending song. COPYRIGHT: I DO NOT OWN THIS SONG AND DO NOT INTEND TO SELL THIS.… Continue reading