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Keep - 3/4 - Music Legal Contracts

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ACCENT: Bands keep on rockin’ in Sudbury

ACCENT: Bands keep on rockin’ in Sudbury
In the movie Knock on Any Door, actor John Derek (if you’re younger than 30, you’ll have to Google him) said he wanted to “live fast, die young and leave a good-looking corpse.”… Continue reading

Uncharted Territory: Traphik Holds Top Spot, The Deadlies Keep Climbing

under the stars
music promotion
Image by bryanminear | www.bryanminear.com
www.bryanminear.com | blog.bryanminear.com | twitter.com/bryanminear

This is Romans Highway, and I’ve pretty much done their pictures/artwork/layouts since they started as a band. This is my first official band shoot with lights. I’ve… Continue reading

Why would Viacom keep suing at Youtube for infringement when they can post the videoes themselves.?

Question by dook 79: Why would Viacom keep suing at Youtube for infringement when they can post the videoes themselves.?
If PBS, Nova, local TV stations and some music companies have agreements with Youtube to post their videoes on… Continue reading

How Do You Keep the Music Playing [Piano/Biron Case]

This video features Biron Case playing his arrangement of the theme from Best Friends. It is a 1982 feature film starring Burt Reynolds and Goldie Hawn. The movie is loosely based on the true story of the relationship between its… Continue reading

Q&A: How can I keep my iPhone contract free for WiFi, App use when I upgrade to the iPhone 3G S?

Question by electrox3d: How can I keep my iPhone contract free for WiFi, App use when I upgrade to the iPhone 3G S?
I have an original iPhone. I will be purchasing the iPhone 3G S. I would like… Continue reading