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Lottery fraudsters & Scam email like these keep coming?

Question by eegleseye: Lottery fraudsters & Scam email like these keep coming?
I just want to warn people out there to be careful and not fall prey to such emails.

Sorry, this feature is not yet available in your… Continue reading

SXSW Keeps Growing – Who Can Keep Up with All These Geeks?

Kimberly, the 20th Century Music Company Cast Member, and Birney
music companies
Image by Loren Javier

SXSW Keeps Growing – Who Can Keep Up with All These Geeks?
A momentous event for music lovers, film enthusiasts and entrepreneurs, the South by SouthWest… Continue reading

Mellotones keep you dancing

Stoltenberg meet music producers Stargate
music producer
Image by Norway UN (New York)
Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg met music producers Mikkel Eriksen og Tor Erik Hermansen aka StarGate at their studio in Manhattan.

Mellotones keep you dancing
After almost 15 years in… Continue reading

Do you think that Lennons music is out dated and past why do they keep promoting him?

Question by Amanda_Greatorex: Do you think that Lennons music is out dated and past why do they keep promoting him?
Why are there constant promotions of old beatles music, isn’t it time they were left… Continue reading

Contractor did shoddy job and got performance bonus and pat on the back. How do they keep getting away with it

Question by jack: Contractor did shoddy job and got performance bonus and pat on the back. How do they keep getting away with it
They had a contract to update all signage along a High voltage power transmission line.… Continue reading