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iTunes - 12/18 - Music Legal Contracts

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Sony’s iTunes rival goes live in the UK

Sony’s iTunes rival goes live in the UK
Music Unlimited offers 6 million tracks Sony has launched a subscription streaming music service, furthering its plan to offer a range of content via the internet to its consumer electronics devices.
Read… Continue reading

Can you sell digital music brought on iTunes?

Question by Jason S: Can you sell digital music brought on iTunes?
Quick question. Can you sell music that you purchase on iTunes to someone else?

For example. I buy a single for 79p… Continue reading

Legal Questions about copyright law and iTunes?

Question by Sumon3: Legal Questions about copyright law and iTunes?
If I play some music before class ( i am not a teacher), is that illegal and does it violate the iTunes license agreement?

Best answer:

Answer by bcnu… Continue reading

Q&A: How can I play my licensed wma music on iTunes?

Question by weare16: How can I play my licensed wma music on iTunes?
I use my computer for my music, and want to use iTunes as it has a much better sound, but am unable to get around the… Continue reading

Q&A: itunes question?

Question by bkstar: itunes question?
My husband has downloaded a lot of music from itunes onto our harddrive. I have a Sony Digital player (similiar to the ipod) and it comes with a music management software called MusicMatch Jukebox.… Continue reading