What’s the best place on the internet to find music album images?
Question by funnyrob01: What’s the best place on the internet to find music album images?
Is there one site that has a massive collection of cover images from most of the albums ever recorded, or do you… Continue reading
Does anyone know where I can find a Contract for Deed form on the internet?
Question by pittsfordchick: Does anyone know where I can find a Contract for Deed form on the internet?
Will be entering a lease option and the Contract for Deed is the best way to go. Looking for a free… Continue reading
Is there a legal way to download high quality mp3 music off the internet for free?
Question by Just_A_Boy: Is there a legal way to download high quality mp3 music off the internet for free?
using limewire or bittorrent? or another program? my dad said that microsoft has made a contract with music companies to… Continue reading
Q&A: Does this mean I can record music from the internet and not get fined?
Question by Themockingjay: Does this mean I can record music from the internet and not get fined?
This is taken from here http://www.copyright.gov/title17/92chap10.html#1008
§ 1008. Prohibition on certain infringement actions
No action may be brought under this title alleging… Continue reading
What type of Internet music sales distribution would you prefer?
Question by r c music: What type of Internet music sales distribution would you prefer?
would you prefer paying $ 35 as a registration fee plus 9% on internet sales & $ 4 on each c.d sold or a… Continue reading