Why are NJ state workers under contract instead of being considered at-will?
Question by cat: Why are NJ state workers under contract instead of being considered at-will?
The latter makes a lot of sense regarding budget. Along with use-em or lose-em sick and vacation days and raises… Continue reading
Notorious BIG – Business Instead Of Game – Trouble (Part 5)
Notorious BIG – Business Instead Of Game – Although releasing one of Rap’s greatest albums ever – “Life After Death”, the last part of this DVD deals with the trouble heading Biggie’s way in the time around his death and… Continue reading
Q&A: How is a credit card considered a written contract instead of an open account?
Question by rich61969: How is a credit card considered a written contract instead of an open account?
I am being sued by a collection agency for an old (over 3 years) Visa credit card debt. I… Continue reading
why use the plural form sellers and buyers instead of seller and buyer as signing parties in a sales contract?
Question by Joseph Tu: why use the plural form sellers and buyers instead of seller and buyer as signing parties in a sales contract?
e.g. This contract is made by and between the Sellers and the Buyers;Whereby the Sellers… Continue reading