Does it suprise you that the music industry has given up fight against illegal downloads?
Question by Tony R: Does it suprise you that the music industry has given up fight against illegal downloads?
I have seen several articles that the music industry has stopped with filing law suits and have realized… Continue reading
i have perfect pitch. is it illegal for me to transcribe songs and sell the sheet music online?
Question by jameson c: i have perfect pitch. is it illegal for me to transcribe songs and sell the sheet music online?
Best answer:
Answer by ⌡Machine Head⌠
Copyright is a government enforced legal monopoly power to determine who… Continue reading
Illegal in-law unit within garage, should I pay rent?
Question by david s: Illegal in-law unit within garage, should I pay rent?
I lived in an illegal unit for 6months. I just found out that it is indeed an illegal unit and confirmed it with my… Continue reading
Is it illegal to sell your backed up movies, music cds or programs?
Question by Fella: Is it illegal to sell your backed up movies, music cds or programs?
i have some movies, programs, and music cds that i’ved backed up in case..i dont use them anymore and they still… Continue reading
Limewire… Is it illegal if you DON’T share any of your music and don’t sell anything you download?
Question by Ashley P: Limewire… Is it illegal if you DON’T share any of your music and don’t sell anything you download?
I don’t share any of my music. I have tons of CDs and stuff on iTunes and… Continue reading