Help with a job, lifelong career?
Question by Plushiepoet: Help with a job, lifelong career?
ok, I have been working at a 9 to 5 job the past 4 years and it is going no where. Promotions, raises, nothing.
So I am starting back in… Continue reading
I’m 14 ,i’m a Emcee and a Dj too, how can i go to the HipHop industry, PS can Eminem,, or someone help me?
Question by : I’m 14 ,i’m a Emcee and a Dj too, how can i go to the HipHop industry, PS can Eminem,, or someone help me?
i’m 14 i’m a Freestyle Rapper and Dj too, well i… Continue reading
Q&A: i need help Executive Summary: could gather my information the on bottom?
Question by mickey135: i need help Executive Summary: could gather my information the on bottom?
Executive Summary:
1. Applicant/Company Information
-Business Structure:
– Banking Information:
Bank: Wells Fargo Bank
Contact: Erica Smith, Financial Services Manager
Design Coffee Shop… Continue reading
Q&A: I’m 14 ,& am a Emcee and a Dj too,, how can i go to the hip-hop industry,,, PS, can Eminem or someone help me?
Question by : I’m 14 ,& am a Emcee and a Dj too,, how can i go to the hip-hop industry,,, PS, can Eminem or someone help me?
i’m 14 i’m a Freestyle Rapper and Dj too, well i think… Continue reading
I need help writing a contract. Nothing too elaborate. I just started a tile & flooring company. The?
Question by RedXo: I need help writing a contract. Nothing too elaborate. I just started a tile & flooring company. The?
contract is just stating a decription of the work and estimated prices. Does anyone have… Continue reading