What were the top three biggest record contracts ever signed? (please help!!)?
Question by Sarah: What were the top three biggest record contracts ever signed? (please help!!)?
money wise, like who was it how much did they make who signed them ect, you dont have to tell me all that just… Continue reading
English help. Can you check my answers?
Question by Mandy Lou: English help. Can you check my answers?
English help. Can you check my answers?
I need to circle the subject, underline the verb, and underline twice the main verb. It can have more… Continue reading
Help! I think I’ve hired a plagiarist, and don’t know how to escape the contract?
Question by Eden: Help! I think I’ve hired a plagiarist, and don’t know how to escape the contract?
I recently hired an artist to do a picture for me, and we wrote a contract… Unfortunately, I said I would… Continue reading
Hello. I need help on becoming a music artist/producer.?
Question by Breezi: Hello. I need help on becoming a music artist/producer.?
Well i don’t have much experience, i’m quite young, still in school, but i was looking at my career options. I’m specifically intersested in the… Continue reading
Q&A: Just starting business. Have some tax questions – in AZ – HELP?
Question by ellehcim: Just starting business. Have some tax questions – in AZ – HELP?
We just started a business, for tax purposes described as “contracting”. Bc the business is so new we have no employees and no income… Continue reading