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I need legal advice or help in a business dispute?

business contract forms
by SS&SS

Question by Jules: I need legal advice or help in a business dispute?
My husband and I recently contracted with ECUAmerican moving company to move our household goods estimated at 3400 lbs from Austin, TX to Raleigh,… Continue reading

Help with picking high school courses?

music business courses
by _cobb

Question by Jesus: Help with picking high school courses?
I am considering staying for a 5th year of high school, and I am wondering which courses would be the best to take, as this would be my… Continue reading

Can someone help me with Business Law?

Question by Bev: Can someone help me with Business Law?
I have been given a homework assignment that I need directional help with! The assignment in brief is:

A married woman moves away from her… Continue reading

Protests Help Central Iowa Music Teacher Get Job Back

Protests Help Central Iowa Music Teacher Get Job Back
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — School board members have reversed a decision to lay off a music teacher in central Iowa after 50 people turned out in protest.
Read more on… Continue reading

Q&A: I’m 14 ,i’m a Emcee and a Dj too, how can i go to the HipHop industry, PS can Eminem,, or someone help me?

Question by : I’m 14 ,i’m a Emcee and a Dj too, how can i go to the HipHop industry, PS can Eminem,, or someone help me?
i’m 14 i’m a Freestyle Rapper and Dj too, well i… Continue reading