is it hard finding a job in the music bussiness ?
Question by money man: is it hard finding a job in the music bussiness ?
i want to get a job in the music Business what do i need to obtain a degree in
right now… Continue reading
Is it hard finding a job in the music bussiness ?
Question by money man: Is it hard finding a job in the music bussiness ?
i want to get a job in the music Business what do i need to obtain a degree in
right now im a sophomore… Continue reading
Is it really hard to get famous as a band ??????
Question by SolOfChst: Is it really hard to get famous as a band ??????
i dunno it just seems impossible to me cuz ive seen A LOT of really really good bands and theyre very unique and have their… Continue reading
Krayz – Hustle Hard [Remix] w/ DL Link
Download Link Here! (C) Interscope Digital Distribution/ Venom Productions, LLC.
This is what happens when you succumb to far too many Steam sales, and find out about Good Old Games ( and the awesome service it also is!
Seagate in $1.7 billion hard drive deal
Seagate in .7 billion hard drive deal
Seagate has agreed to buy Samsung’s hard drive business for US$ 1.38 billion ($ 1.73 billion) in a further consolidation of an industry that faces growing competition from a newer storage technology, popular… Continue reading