Dennie Mello Wailin’ Guitar

Fabulous, FABULOUS gem!! A note from Dennie Mello/Denny Mela: I was 14 when I wrote those songs along with many others. A scout from SWAN records heard me perform the slow one, solo with my accoustic guitar and asked my… Continue reading
LIVE BY THE LIGHT # 2 ( darkwave guitar live performance video )
PSYCHEDELIC 12 STRING ACOUSTIC GUITAR WITH EFFECTS WITH MY VOICE WITHOUT THE DRUM MACHINE: I’m Hooked up to my DigiTech GNX II for the guitar effects to my TAKAMINE 12 String acoustic guitar with a Dean Markley acoustic resounding hole… Continue reading
PUPIL 2006 CALIFORNIA ( dreamwave guitar live performance video )
PSYCHEDELIC 12 STRING ACOUSTIC GUITAR WITH MYVOICE AND THE DRUM MACHINE: I’m Hooked up to my DigiTech GNX II for the guitar effects to my TAKAMINE 12 String acoustic guitar with a Dean Markley acoustic resounding hole pickup for this… Continue reading
MY SONG PURPLE 2008 UPSTATE, NY ( dreamwave guitar live performance video )
PSYCHEDELIC 12 STRING ACOUSTIC GUITAR WITH MYVOICE AND THE DRUM MACHINE: I’m Hooked up to my DigiTech GNX II for the guitar effects to my TAKAMINE 12 String acoustic guitar with a Dean Markley acoustic resounding hole pickup for this… Continue reading