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eMax Media Group, a Company Partly Owned by eMax Worldwide, Inc. opens New Orlando Office

New Orleans – French Quarter: Music Legends Park – Chris Owens
music business management
Image by wallyg
Chris Owens is performer, club owner and entrepreneur who bases her act out of the French Quarter of New Orleans, Louisiana. She has been a French… Continue reading

Just Energy Group Inc. Announces April Dividend

Just Energy Group Inc. Announces April Dividend
TORONTO, ONTARIO– – Just Energy Group Inc. filed notice with the Toronto Stock Exchange today announcing its April dividend. A dividend of $ 0.10333/common share will be paid on April 30, 2011 to… Continue reading

Roxbury CARE group supports three for Board of Education election

music management
Image by Leo Smith Photos / gaucho74
Andrew Jones sings at a music showcase by Strive Management. Maxwell’s Lounge, Oakland, CA, 26 January 2007

Roxbury CARE group supports three for Board of Education election
ROXBURY TWP. – A group… Continue reading

Can a group contract would be nullified?

Question by catmenacestop: Can a group contract would be nullified?
Think of court case. Say a member or 2 leaves a music group ecause of a contract issuse.And they sue the company. Now say the members that sued one… Continue reading

Innovation Management – Group 22 – OneCard

Watch in 1080p HD quality, with subtitles!