Thinking of going back to college for a music degree. What does this help with?
Question by stork: Thinking of going back to college for a music degree. What does this help with?
I’ve recently been really interested in making my own music but my family is pushing me to go back… Continue reading
What in the world is going on with this???
Question by Jake: What in the world is going on with this???
MILEY CYRUIS!!!??!!? I just saw her music video for can’t be tamed and, I was schocked, I understand she wants away from hannah, but… Continue reading
Q&A: New as of yesterday-a free music site funded by advertisers. It was on the news, but I was going out the door.
Question by whatever: New as of yesterday-a free music site funded by advertisers. It was on the news, but I was going out the door.
Does anyone know what it is. It is BRAND NEW… Continue reading
What language should I learn if I’m going into the music business?
Question by Bobby bob: What language should I learn if I’m going into the music business?
What language should I learn if I’m going into the music business? I know English and basic German (Enough to get by) but… Continue reading