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Q&A: Is anyone willing to give me a record deal?

Question by Raziel: Is anyone willing to give me a record deal?
I’ve got a Facebook page, and one video that is designed to look leaked. I am the next big rapper, and I have a well-thought out business… Continue reading

Amazing Bolivian Law Will Give Nature Human Rights

Amazing Bolivian Law Will Give Nature Human Rights
Evo Morales is Bolivia’s first indigenous president, and he’s bringing some back-to-the-earth philosophy to the country. Bolivia is set to pass The Law of Mother Earth , a sweeping piece of legislation… Continue reading

Can somebody give me the titles of all the songs in the music album for 1988 olympics?

Question by volvo942: Can somebody give me the titles of all the songs in the music album for 1988 olympics?
I know the first song’s title is hand in hand.
Who sang these song and what record company published… Continue reading

can anyone give me information about great music management in chicago?

Question by emoni w: can anyone give me information about great music management in chicago?

Best answer:

do we have hustle entertainment idk my sis does alot of music biz shtuff so im not… Continue reading

Can anyone give me a link for an example contract?

Question by OfCourse: Can anyone give me a link for an example contract?
Like, just a sample contract. Not a real one.

Also, one for a warranty?

Thanks a lot.

Or just where I can find one. Thanks.

Best… Continue reading