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Best Video Game Music – “Retro” – Never Yet Contested – (TruStatement.com)

trustatemententertainment.bandcamp.com Heres’s How to DOWNLOAD “Retro EP” FREE: www.mediafire.com “Retro EP” – Never Yet Contested Tru Statement Entertainment (TSE) letting you know about our newest release that dropped on Black Friday (11/26), and the official music video for the project’s… Continue reading

Iconic ‘Guitar Hero’ video game gets the ax

Iconic ‘Guitar Hero’ video game gets the ax
“Guitar Hero” was considered one of the most influential video game titles of the new century.
Read more on IBN live

3 mobile payment products hint at the future – We’ve been… Continue reading

Q&A: Help publishing arrangement of Halo video game music for full orchestra…?

Question by Nadia: Help publishing arrangement of Halo video game music for full orchestra…?
Last school year while I was a high school senior, I heard the soundtracks for the video game Halo. I own the composition program Finale,… Continue reading

Iconic ‘Guitar Hero’ Video Game Gets The Ax

All Witnesses at the Education and Labor Committee hearing
music industry jobs
Image by House Committee on Education and the Workforce Dem
All the witnesses who testified at a hearing on the economic and employment impact of the arts and music industry on… Continue reading

Iconic ‘Guitar Hero’ video game gets the ax

music business jobs
Image by 罷買罷看(香港娛樂圈)教徒的產品!

Iconic ‘Guitar Hero’ video game gets the ax
These days, guns are more popular than guitars, at least when it comes to video games. The company behind “Guitar Hero” said…
Read more on Deseret News… Continue reading