Q&A: If you buy an apple iphone 3G without a phone contract can I still upload music from itunes ? ?
Question by ashley!: If you buy an apple iphone 3G without a phone contract can I still upload music from itunes ? ?
Best answer:
Answer by ScottRASC
Yes. Except you can’t buy one without that contract… Continue reading
Yaya, musician from African street
‘Clay Bora’ (Sun has risen) Yaya, from Burkina Faso, is the musician who learns everything from the street. Based on the experience that he has been through all through his life, he is calling for peace in Africa, he is… Continue reading
Google boots Grooveshark from Android Market
Google boots Grooveshark from Android Market
Just before a scheduled appearance on Capitol Hill to testify about its antipiracy efforts, Google removes an app provided by a music service long accused of copyright violations.
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Baidu to… Continue reading
i got a e-mail. is it from you?
Question by rajan: i got a e-mail. is it from you?
this the letter that i got
“®(((((((( Congratulations ))))))))) Your e-mail Won our Lottery
From: Mrs. Jennifer Hug (jerniferhug@yahoo.com)
Sent: May 14, 2010 7:34:42 AM… Continue reading