A contract is formed when two parties promise to perform an act in the future?
Question by sabrina r: A contract is formed when two parties promise to perform an act in the future?
A contract is formed when two parties promise to perform an act in the future.
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Business-Law True or False: The rules of agency apply to contracts formed by corporations.?
Question by bmwtdc: Business-Law True or False: The rules of agency apply to contracts formed by corporations.?
Best answer:
Answer by Sarah Kolb
According to Wikipedia: “In the case of a corporation, since a corporation is a fictitious legal… Continue reading
Q&A: Can I deduct business expenses incurred from before my LLC is legally formed?
Question by LTR: Can I deduct business expenses incurred from before my LLC is legally formed?
I have been doing contract work for a couple weeks and just recently paid LegalZoom to form my LLC. Since the LLC’s finalization… Continue reading
When a contract is formed ,is the legal date the day it is filed?
Question by charpar: When a contract is formed ,is the legal date the day it is filed?
Looking at an old abstract of 2 business’s it shows the two parties made an agreement on such and such a date….… Continue reading