Would it be cheaper overall to work as an independent contractor or to form an LLC and Biz-Biz contract?
Question by Matthew H: Would it be cheaper overall to work as an independent contractor or to form an LLC and Biz-Biz contract?
I am a professional Video/Film editor, but I’m just starting out doing contract work, and I’m… Continue reading
How do u scan a contract into a WP application so u can enter info…but the contract info doesn’t move. Form
Question by Dee: How do u scan a contract into a WP application so u can enter info…but the contract info doesn’t move. Form
I’ve tried making a template but the information on the contract still shifts… Continue reading
Q&A: Some advice please form music producers, musicians, etc.?
Question by NG: Some advice please form music producers, musicians, etc.?
I am a singer/lyricist currently looking for a producer to help me record my first demo as promote me. I have been for an audition to a studio… Continue reading
Checking ATG Squat form 3

Ok, i tried extra hard to keep my back tight, chest up, and butt out, and to contract my lower back muscles despite my attempts to try to keep my pelvis from moving, it still did 9i think…)
Video Rating:… Continue reading
Shanklin F-5 Form Fill Shrink Wrapper

Fully automatic Shanklin FloWrap machines are continuous motion horizontal Form-Fill-Sealers designed to wrap packages effortlessly and efficiently. Built for peak performance, durability, and versatility, each FloWrap model includes numerous standard features and options that allow customization to application. These efficient… Continue reading