Q&A: Why are low temperatures necessary for dense cores to form and contract into protostars?
Question by XxalicexX: Why are low temperatures necessary for dense cores to form and contract into protostars?
Best answer:
Answer by deloisnelly35
Are you sure the question asks for low temperatures? Protostars form from a cold,… Continue reading
Are there any problems with this form of government contract?
Question by taylor0396: Are there any problems with this form of government contract?
Would another type of contract be more beneficial? Explain your reasoning.
Best answer:
Answer by Ron Burgundy
Which form of contract are you referring?
Add your… Continue reading
Low Budget Indie Filmmaking : Release Form Tips for Indie Films
Be aware of legal issues in filmmaking and learn all about release forms for Indie films with expert tips for producers and directors in this free filmmaking video. Expert: Kevin Lindenmuth Contact: www.lindenmuth.com Bio: Kevin Lindenmuth has worked in the… Continue reading
Q&A: Can you form a contract where, if you don’t fulfill you obligations, the other party can hang you?
Question by darkyhatur: Can you form a contract where, if you don’t fulfill you obligations, the other party can hang you?
Apparently I recently signed such a contract, and I’m wondering if it can be enforced. I would rather… Continue reading
Managing someone else’s business – need an agreement form?
Question by Leightermath: Managing someone else’s business – need an agreement form?
I am planning to take over and completely manage a small gym with the plan to purchase it later. (Owner wants out right away due… Continue reading